When you connect to Square, Submatic automatically retrieves some data. Additional data is communicated between the systems as you set up subscriptions and process payments.
Tax Rates
Your tax rates are automatically retrieved from Square when you first connect your account. You can confirm that your tax rates are showing correctly from the Submatic Settings > Business > Taxes page. You should see a list of your current Tax Rates.
If you add or update a Tax Rate in Square it will not automatically update in Submatic. You must click the "Re-Sync Tax Rates From Square" button to refresh the Tax Rates in Submatic.
Categories and Products
- Category Sync: Your Category list is automatically retrieved from Square when you first connect your account. You can confirm that your Categories are showing correctly by checking them on the Submatic Settings > Business > Store Settings page. Under "Category Sync Rules" you should see a list of all the Categories that exist in Square.
- Product/Service Sync: Submatic does not automatically sync Product or Service Data from Square. Submatic will retrieve data for any product/service in a Category that you select on the "Category Sync Rules" page. Once you select Categories on this page and Save, you will be able to trigger a sync for products/services.
Category and Product data in Submatic will continue to be refreshed automatically on a daily basis.
With Submatic you should continue to manage your primary customer database on Square. Submatic will retrieve customer data from Square if a subscription is created for a customer (if that customer already exists in Square). Or Submatic will create a new customer in your Square database if a subscription is created for a new customer.
Customers will appear on your Customers page in Submatic if they have made a purchase (active or past subscription, for example) through Submatic. All credit card data is managed and handled through Square. You may add a credit card to a customer profile through Submatic but additional edits or changes to the customer's credit card should be done through Square directly. If you edit other fields on the Customer record on Submatic the change will not trigger an update to the customer record on Square.
Orders and Transactions
Submatic creates an order in Square when a new subscription payment is processed. The order is created with applicable taxes and will appear in your Square reports. A payment is processed for each order using a customer card on file.
Refunds may be processed in Submatic or Square. If you wish to cancel a specific subscription benefit when processing a refund then you must process the refund through Submatic.