Use the migration function if you are transitioning to Submatic from another subscription management system, or if you would like to bulk enroll customers into a subscription plan.
To use the migration function:
1. Ensure that you have at least one Template set up
2. Go to Settings > Business > Store Settings and click on the Migrate Subscription button at the bottom of the page
3. Select a Template to use for the migration. A subscription plan will be created based off of this template for each customer that you select in the next step.
4. Select a Customer Group. You may use a Submatic Customer Group or one from an integrated system such as Square. A new subscription will be created for each customer in the selected group.
5. Select a billing start date.
6. Optionally add a message for credit card request emails. This message will be included in an email that is sent to customers that do not already have a credit card on file with the payment processor that you're using with Submatic. Note that the migration will still create a subscription for a customer even if that customer does not have a credit card on file, but the subscription will be created with the "Bill Offline" setting enabled. When the customer adds a credit card the Bill Offline setting will automatically become disabled. If a subscription processes with Bill Offline enabled an invoice will be created and emailed to the customer, and the customer will have an outstanding balance that will remain in Submatic until the invoice is paid.
7. Click "Proceed With Migration" to trigger the migration process. Note that the migration will process in the background over a period of time. The total amount of time to process each migration depends on the number of subscribers being migrated.
8. Repeat the process if you have additional subscribers enrolled in a separate plan or tier subscription.