You have the ability to offer Gift Subscriptions/Memberships in Submatic. Note that Gifts must be purchased online directly by a customer (there is no option to create a gift order internally in Submatic).
Enable Gift Option
The gift option must be set individually for each Template. To enable the Gift option, simply check the "Allow Gift Purchase" checkbox on your Template page.
When you check "Allow Gift Purchase" a new "Gift Billing Settings" section will appear. This section includes three fields: Suggested Gift Term, Minimum Gift Term, and Maximum Gift Term. Gifts are paid in full at the time of purchase (there is no recurring billing involved) and these fields are used to define the settings for how customers purchase gifts. Add the gift information and Save by clicking "Update Template" at the bottom of the page.
If the example Template displayed in the screenshot above were $14.99/month, the customer would be presented with the following dropdown menu when purchasing a gift subscription.
Gift Purchaser Workflow
A customer that is purchasing a gift can make their purchase online in the same way that they would purchase a regular subscription/membership. Gift purchases include some additional fields such as Recipient Name, Email, and Delivery Date. The gift purchaser has a choice regarding whether Submatic should deliver the gift via email directly to the gift recipient's email or to their own email (in which case they would be responsible for communicating the gift details to the recipient directly).
Gift Activation
After a Gift is purchased it will appear in Submatic on the Subscriptions page with a "Pending Activation" status. The customer name associated with the gift at this point is the gift purchaser, and the gift will be set to expire after the number of cycles that were purchased (but the specific expiration date is not known until the gift is activated).
Submatic will deliver the gift information to the relevant recipient via email. Activation instructions are included in the gift email.
Gifts can be activated at If a gift purchaser or recipient does not have their activation code, you can locate all gift activation codes in your Gift Report. Once a gift is activated the Subscription status will update to "Active".
End of Gift Term
At the end of the gift term the subscription customer will receive an invitation to continue their subscription/membership. The gift member will be required to enter their own payment information in order to continue. If the gift term ends without any renewal the status will change to Expired.